We are about to complete, what we feel, has been the BIGGEST building project on our build so far. Honestly, when we started this project, we weren’t sure how we’d do it on our own. We did call in for some reinforcements from Kyle, and that definitely gave us the boost we needed to see… Continue reading OUR BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT
Author: danilo
THIS MADE HER CRY // The hope of a real kitchen
We’ve been anxiously awaiting this day for a while now. After ordering our kitchen appliances a few months ago, they are finally being delivered. Finally seeing our appliances arrive in our house is so overwhelming. We’ve been living with a camper trailer kitchen for the past 2 years, and it has been a challenge to… Continue reading THIS MADE HER CRY // The hope of a real kitchen
OFF GRID INTERNET // Testing the Nomad Air Internet System
Thank you @nomadinternet for sponsoring this video. To grad your own Nomad Internet system head to https://go.nomadinternet.com/one-foot… and use the discount code ONE_FOOT_OFF_THE_GRID If you have any questions about Nomad Internet please visit their website and you can start an online chat for instant help where representatives are always available 24/7, and a ticket can… Continue reading OFF GRID INTERNET // Testing the Nomad Air Internet System
FACING HER FEARS // Covering our 24 ft. ceiling
If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that heights are not Sara’s thing. With our current vaulted ceiling project, though, there’s just no time for her fears to slow down the build. We have deliveries scheduled for appliances and that means we need to get as far as we can on our… Continue reading FACING HER FEARS // Covering our 24 ft. ceiling
The BEGINNING of the END // Covering our 24 ft. Ceiling
The time has FINALLY arrived. With the completion of our water heater, we are finished with ALL of the mechanical portions of our build, and now it’s time to cover our walls and ceilings and get moved into this house. We know that this portion of the build will take us a while, but the… Continue reading The BEGINNING of the END // Covering our 24 ft. Ceiling
Have we REALLY been doing this ALONE??
If you’ve been following our house build for a while, you know that we purchased a cabin kit home. This means that you get ALL of the supplies you need to build the house from the sill plate up. However, what we didn’t realize when we purchased a log cabin kit home was that we… Continue reading Have we REALLY been doing this ALONE??
PEOPLE SAY WE’RE CRAZY // Installing our propane gas line with no experience
One thing we hear a LOT is, “You should hire someone to do that part of your build.” But you have to remember – 1. We didn’t start a 100% self-build just to end up hiring people to finish what we started. 2. It’s actually really hard to find contractors right now. (and they know… Continue reading PEOPLE SAY WE’RE CRAZY // Installing our propane gas line with no experience
There are things you take for granted in your day to day life until they are gone. For us, one of those things has been a place to wash your hands that is RIGHT BY your toilet. We’ve been living for 2 years with our outhouse so that meant, hand sanitizer and then a walk… Continue reading TRANSFORMING our BATHROOM in ONE DAY
REGRETTING our DECISION? // Shiplapping our 1500 sq. ft. house
As we take on the task of shiplapping EVERY wall and ceiling in our house, we are starting to wonder . . . Was shiplap the right choice??? Maybe drywall would go faster? We are by NO means experienced builders, and we were under the impression that shiplap would be a little easier than drywall,… Continue reading REGRETTING our DECISION? // Shiplapping our 1500 sq. ft. house
WE USED a BUCKET for a TOILET for 2 years!
Today is the day! We are upgrading to a flush toilet. For the past 2 years, our family of 4 has used a composting outhouse, and it’s finally time for an upgrade! I know you’re excited about this upgrade for our family, but I bet you may be thinking “What the heck is a composting… Continue reading WE USED a BUCKET for a TOILET for 2 years!