We’re FINISHED // Constructing the Log Walls on our Log Cabin – Ep. 40


We are SO EXCITED as we complete the log wall in this episode. We were able to FLY through the lower portion of the wall, but when we got to higher portion our progress slowed down. Working with the scaffolding and ladders added more steps into the process. Not to mention dealing with the heat of the Summer as we wrapped up this portion of the project. We were determined, though, and wouldn’t let these obstacles stand in our way. Every time Ryan and I feel overwhelmed in this process, we step back and remind ourselves that as long as we consistently put in a little work (and sometimes a lot of work) we will make forward progress. Remembering this helps us stay focused on our end goal of one day finishing our house so our family can move in! And now a little back story on us, in case you just found us on YouTube. We’re Sara and Ryan. We are your average suburban family, but 9 years ago, we purchased a raw piece of land in the Hood Canal in Washington. We’ve been developing this piece of property slowly, and this year we knew it was time to go all in. So we purchased a log cabin kit home and decided that 2020 would be the year we built a house on our property. We plan to build this cabin (as much as we can) on our own. Unfortunately, COVID-19 put a delay on our cabin kit being produced and delivered in the time frame we had originally planned. While we could have just waited it out and pushed back starting on the build of our home, we decided to shift gears and change our course for the time being. We purchased a 30 foot yurt, and will be setting it up as additional living space when we begin to build our cabin. In the summer of 2021, we FINALLY moved to the Hood Canal so we could start the build of our future home. While we are building our home, we are living in a camper trailer and the yurt that we built in the summer of 2020. We hope to have our cabin kit home built by the summer of 2022. Just my husband and I are building the house. We get help here and there from friends along the way and we do plan to get help on the roof but other than that we are doing it all on our own. Follow along with us as we build our dream in the Hood Canal.

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